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Article: Energy Cleansing with Circles of Light: Complete Guide for Your Pendulum and Yourself

Purification Énergétique avec Cercles de Lumière : Guide Complet pour Votre Pendule et Vous-même

Energy Cleansing with Circles of Light: Complete Guide for Your Pendulum and Yourself

Welcome to Chantal's Shop! If you are passionate about using pendulums, you probably already know how essential it is to purify your energies for clear and precise answers. In this article, discover a powerful method of purification using circles of light, ideal for preserving the energy of your pendulum and yours.

The Power of Circles of Light

Energy cleansing is crucial to remove harmful influences that can interfere with your pendulum and cause fatigue and distorted responses. Here, we put aside sage, salt, and incense, instead focusing on the effectiveness of circles of light.

Pendulum Purification: Essential Steps

Before you begin the purification, make sure you are in a favorable state of mind:

  1. Invocation of the Circles of Light: Say mentally or aloud, "I call forth the circle of light of the guides who accompany me, I call forth the circle of light of the healers."
  2. Protection and Grounding: Establish protection around you and make sure you are well grounded, either through meditation or through appropriate gestures.
  3. Pendulum Cleansing: Hold your pendulum in your hand and express, “Dear circles of light, I ask you to purify and cleanse the pendulum I hold in my hand totally here and now.”
  4. Pulse if Necessary: ​​If necessary, give a small pulse. The circles of light will act, making the pendulum turn in all directions.

Personal and Habitat Purification

After purifying your pendulum, move on to purifying yourself and your house or apartment:

  1. Personal Cleansing: Hold your pendulum and ask, “Dear circles of light, I ask you to purify and cleanse me totally here and now.” Give a nudge if needed.
  2. Habitat Cleansing: Now ask, “Dear circles of light, I ask you to completely cleanse and purify my home/apartment and all objects within it here and now.” Remember the impulse if needed.
  3. Deep Thanks: End by expressing your gratitude to the circles of light.

The Feelings After Purification

After these rituals, pay attention to your sensations. Chills, heat, yawning, headaches, or even an overabundance of energy are normal reactions. Everyone reacts differently, and not feeling anything does not mean that nothing is happening. Your pendulum will act as an indicator.

Tips for Regular Practice

  • Daily Renewal: Perform this purification once a day to maintain optimal energies.
  • Post-Purification Hydration: Drink water after cleansing to ground the work and flush out toxins.
  • Inner Listening: Trust your intuition to determine when it is time to cleanse again.

Conclusion: Practice, Feel, Evolve

Energy clearing, although temporary, is a practice that can bring about beneficial changes. The more you incorporate it into your routine, the faster and more effective it becomes. Explore our online store for complementary tools and crystals that will harmonize your pendulum sessions and your personal energy.

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